Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So one might ask why I care so much about the history of my house. I'm not entirely sure, but I know a few of the reasons so I might as well list them here.

1. I've never owned a house before. I've never even owned a car, so this house is a big deal to me.

2. My house is old. In fact, it turns one hundred this year. Surely some interesting folks resided in my simple house.

3. My house is nothing special. Well, at first one might think that, but obviously I have taken an interest in it or I wouldn't have started this research project. It's fairly easy to find out about the history of your house if it's on the register of historic places, or if someone famous once lived there, or if it was once used as a hospital. (See upcoming blog about the house on Santa Fe.) But my house? Well, even when it was brand new, I have a strong suspicion that it was a house for common folks. Without its 1/2 story addition, the house is only 878 square feet. So originally, this was not a spectacular house.

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