Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pictures of My Questions 2

So yeah...the chimney. Not sure why it was there, maybe to heat the bedrooms?

Either way, I wish I could tear apart the walls and check out what's underneath. The room with the blue walls is bedroom #2. This room appears to have always been a bedroom, as I can see no other practical purpose for it. Its only closet contains the furnace, which is only a few years old. So it is quite difficult to dig around for clues with that monstrous thing in the way. The room with the green walls is the master bedroom, and the other photo is a shot of the wall in between, taken from the doorway that connects the two rooms.

Knocking on the wall around the chimney is and interesting but seemingly fruitless activity. I hear what I interpret as a "bricky" sound on the raised upper part, and possibly a "metallic" sound on the lower half of the wall. Who knows, this could be from the metal "H" we have hanging on the wall in bedroom #2. Knocking on the truncated corner from POMQ #1 also leads to an odd sound, but I can't define it. Also, the wall covering, whatever it is, appears to be loose and bubbled up in this area. I suppose this could be from years of layer after layer of wallpaper and paint, but what is under there? More and more questions, so few answers.

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