Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The kitchen area is another part of the house that raises a few questions. The picture with the fire extinguisher is the original back door of the house, before the addition was built. Note the original siding and evidence of door hardware still visible in the door frame.

I have to wonder how this kitchen was originally configured. Where did people eat? I know we have trouble squeezing the five of us into the eat-in area.

Notice anything important missing? Yeah...a stove hood. There isn't even a place for one, and I know those old fashioned stoves needed at least a hole in the roof for ventilation. Didn't they?
And who thought of this countertop? It's a little awkward - hey, that could be the adjective of the day for my house. Everything is very awkwardly laid out. I assume this has to do with the fact that many new things have come along in a hundred years that this house wasn't designed for. Again, part of why I'm conducting this research. I want to know the evolution of my house.

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