Friday, January 8, 2010

The Bathtub Mystery Deepens...

In 1910, there were only clawfoot tubs, right? So why did I have this ugly, built-in shower/tub combination? On a whim, I decided to remove the service panel from the wall in the laundry room. I peeked in with my flashlight...yes. There was my once-beautiful clawfoot (maybe there were little feet hidden in the rotting boards??) tub. Covered by something ugly. I knew it.

But, I did discover something else. Another green wall. See, in the laundry room, the only room on the ground floor we haven't painted yet, are several layers of wall covering. From what I can see (from where I've annihilated the wall trying to hang up pictures) are several distinct layers. On top is white paint and ugly brown wood paneling. Under that is burlap on the upper half of the wall. Under all of these layers is pink paint. Someone must have really liked pink, because I found it when I sanded the living room walls to paint in there. Under the pink is a layer of green paint. This is what is seen in the photo here. This green is also visible on the insides of the built-in cabinets in the laundry room. But, not all of the laudry room built-in is original either. Upon inspection (by me of course) I noticed that the wood bracket-brace-type-thing comes down on the right side of the shelves, too. You can't see this unless you take out the top drawer. And what is behind the drawers? Pink paint, cracking and peeling to reveal specks of green.


1 comment:

  1. hmmm pink all over the house. I think you should honor the old residents and do that again! ;)

    And who would cover a claw foot tub?! Maybe its pink on the inside too. lol

