Friday, February 5, 2010

I Still Have Questions!

I'm curious like a cat, but let's hope it doesn't kill me.

1. Who really built the house? Was it Nathan and Mary Chance? If they did have it built, did they build it with the intention of living in it? Or were they going to rent it out? To find out, I need to check census records from 1910 to see who was living in my house at that time.

2. When was my addition built? Who built it? What was the original purpose of the added room - bedroom, family room, gun den? I fear that I might have to attempt to contact Kenneth Fitzwater to find this information weird would that be?! Probably pretty weird! Hey uh...I work with this relative of yours...she says you used to live in my house. As a kid.

3. The chimney.

4. The laundry room.

5. The oddly shaped outlet in the living room.

6. The kitchen - original layout?

7. Was there a carriage house, or did the original residents have a car?

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