Thursday, February 4, 2010

Found the Chances

So I have an actual picture of some former residents and owners of my house. Yeah! No, that's not my house pictured, but the dates listed that they lived in the pictured house mesh with the dates I have that they owned my house. I drove by and looked and the house pictured is not there anymore. The large gap in ownership data from 1905 through 1920 leads me to believe that at some point, the Chances bought the land and built the house. No information, at this point, has come to my attention to disprove my theory.

The Chances were married on December 24, 1865, in Lucas County, Iowa.

So not only are they "some" owners, they were most likely the original owners of the house.


  1. This is so cool! Our house was built in the 40's but I haven't really thought about looking up the old owners.

    I think this blog is a pretty neat idea. Makes me wonder who has lived where I am now.

  2. I have always wondered about all my old houses. It's so much easier to research in Butler County rather than Sedgwick. The lady at the courthouse was so nice and helpful. Plus, there aren't that many surnames in Augusta, so finding people is easier.

  3. coll inputs :)

    here's something about myself...I'm a 41 year old woman and althow i enjoy having sex with my housband, i'm disapointed for the fact that i've NEVER had an orgasm. I hear that for many women it just comes natural, potenta as we call it in my country, but sadly it isn't my case.

    Althow i know many women have the same problem, and my comment is of no surpise to anyone, i want to do my best and find a solution.

    I've been thinking that maybe my housband isn't as tender and loveable as he should, but curiosity has never pushed me so far as to cheat on him with another man. Should i? Could change be a solution?

    I've tried all sorts of pills and aphrodisiacs, but nothing so far...

    If you have any advise, please reply to this comment. I've just started posting for a couple of days, so i'll be checking in often :)

    Thank you!


