Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tearin' It Up

Former hot water heater? In this tiny, tiny bathroom? Naw...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lath and Plaster, Baby

The husband has already started tearing apart our tiny 5' x 8' bathroom, in anticipation of our tax refund. We are gutting it and starting over. The floor is rotted, and as a result, the toilet "gives" and little when you sit down. Scary? Yes. The tub, while it is cast-iron and tough as can be, must go. It is dirty, the kind of dirty that only 80 years of usage can give a tub. Yuck. Nothing touches the filth. Plus, a glass shower door track has been drilled into it. There's not much that can be done to fix that. tub, new toilet, new sink. New walls and floor, with new tile and paint over that. Should be interesting. I will document, in photos and in text, the progress and any "findings."

Such as the lath and plaster north wall, yet the west and south walls appear to be drywall. Interesting.
